Why we transited to full-time Missions Mobilisation ministry?
During our youth days, some of our Youth Fellowship leaders were either preparing to be missionaries or missionaries who were back on furlough. Thus, we had always looked up to them as our role models though we knew that we were not exactly “missionary-type” material. But God changed our mind-set over the years and we soon realised that we don’t need to be “super-heroes” to be involved in missions. Missionaries are just ordinary people like you and me. They just have a simple faith to trust an extra-ordinary God and obey His call to missions.
Thus, we started to go for short mission exposure trips to Malaysia and Thailand. Subsequently, we also had opportunities to bring groups of Polytechnic students for mission trips to East Asia to do campus evangelism and small group outreach events. We also had a growing burden for our missionary friends labouring in the harvest field. For a start, we decided to be a link to correspond with them, find out what their needs and prayer requests were and update them of home news as well. Where possible, we would make a visit just to be with them, to pray together, listen, talk and encourage them in their ministry.
We began to pray and seek God on whether we could be involved in missions on a full-time basis and WHAT exactly would He have us do. As we looked back over the last few years and evaluated what we were passionate about, it has been in the area of mobilisation/networking, liaising/caring for missionaries and coordinating mission teams. But was there a mission agency that would take in newbies like us? We laid these desires before the Lord and asked Him WHERE then? One month later, we received an email from a WEC missionary couple who used to come to our church when they were based in Singapore. They asked whether we would consider exploring Sending Base ministry. We took this as a very specific answer to our prayers, right down to the WHAT and WHERE. We met up with this missionary couple and subsequently the WEC Singapore Directors for an interview, submitted our application forms in consultation with our church leaders. We have since stepped out in faith and been serving in WEC Singapore.
Why be involved in mobilisation / sending base ministry?
It probably starts with an understanding of what is mobilisation. A simple definition would be resourcing, calling, evoking readiness, putting into motion, enabling for active service. Sure, most people want to be where the front-line field action is. But who will stay to do the mobilising, which we see is also part of the whole discipleship process, i.e. informing, challenging, connecting, enabling, equipping, training, mentoring and caring? If all the soldiers are at the front-line, who will man the communication lines, recruit, train and send in the reinforcements when needed, who will send in the provisions and rations, who will encourage and care for the weary and wounded?
The Bible speaks of both the “messenger” of good news as well as the “sender” of the messenger…
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15
You cannot have one without the other, both roles have a symbiotic relationship (i.e. mutually benefiting). So let us work together to see the lost come to know Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.
What do you find most rewarding as a mobiliser?
Seeing God’s people excited about missions and seriously seeking the Lord on how they can be involved. Seeing how the Lord leads us to divinely connect with them at the right time. God’s timing is really so exact and amazing! Indeed, He is the one who loves the lost so much, moves hearts and sends out the labourers and we, the mobilisers, are just the facilitators.
What are the stories that have encouraged you as a mobiliser?
There was this young lady who came to our booth that we had set up at her church. She was very interested in missions but saw that all of us were busy talking to other enquirers. So she helped herself to our brochures, filled up a contact form and left it on the table, certain that someone will contact her. We did and it was at a time in her life that she was considering the possibility of short term missions.
Then, there was a teacher who felt God calling him to serve in Japan. So we arranged a Vision Trip for him and he has since come back and enrolled in Bible College to get equipped for long term missions. Another young lady recently joined us as an intern in mobilisation ministry as she enjoys walking alongside young people to explore missions; a law graduate who wants to use his legal knowledge in missions; a church youth pastor who wants to expose his young people to world missions and asked us to run a missions camp to simulate what it would be like on the mission field and many more stories of believers of different ages and backgrounds exploring missions.
There are also people who want to pray for Unreached People Groups (UPGs). We thank the Lord for 4 young adults who upon return from their short term trips have committed to run Prayer Groups for their respective UPGs once a month. Indeed, we pray that many more will be concerned for the glory of God and that God’s glory will be revealed among the UPGs.
It certainly excites us to see the mid 20’s to 40’s age group willing to lay down their lives to fulfill the Great Commission – to the ends of the earth. We believe that if God is our Master and Lord, then He deserves the best years of our lives and even the whole of our lives for His service. We are really privileged to be able to be His hands or feet to do His work in mobilising.
Can I be a mobiliser?
Sure! If you LOVE THE LORD and…
1. enjoy meeting people of all ages
2. are resourceful / love to network
3. desire to see more labourers in God’s harvest field
4. desire to see the lost in all nations reached with urgency
5. desire to channel believers’ skills / profession to God’s mission field
Sharing their mobilisation ministry …

Pastor Anthony and Ambrose – Mobilising The Next Generation
Our Mobilisation Intern, Estelle, interviewed two young people (Pastor Anthony and Ambrose) about their vision…

Audrie – Overseas Students
Greetings from Durham, a lovely and quaint city tucked in the northeast part of England…