WEC offers STEP OUT Training for potential Short Term Members who are interested to join a Discovery Trip or TREK. For potential Long Term Members, Candidates Orientation (CO) is a 10 week residential orientation for Candidates to bond and connect with our Base staff, while getting to know our core values, objectives, the way things function in WEC .. etc.
WEC’s shockingly affordable Missionary Training College (MTC) scattered around the world are dedicated to train and equip students both theologically and practically to serve God in cross-cultural situations.
Other Trainings Available
1) Thrive Spiritual Retreats with Missions Focus
2) Embers Gatherings (Community of like-minded young adults passionate about God’s mission to the least reached. Facilitated discussions, skill-sharing, seminars and prayer)
3) Prayer Celebrations (specific guided prayer for UPGs)
4) Internships/Mentoring/Coaching for individuals
5) Building Bridges Training for reaching cousins.
6) Creative Arts in Missions Workshops with Arts Release
7) People Care Foundational Knowledge & Skills Training – in collaboration with Living Wholeness SG also covering topics like Burnout, Self Care, Restoring Holistic Boundaries, Lightening the Load of Your Heart, Addictions, etc.
Please contact us if you are interested.
More about WEC equipping options

Step Out Training
Come & join in our STEP OUT Training for potential Short Term Members interested in…

Candidates Orientation (CO)
CO is a 10 week residential orientation for Candidates (potential Long Term Members) to bond…

Missionary Training Colleges (MTCs)
WEC’s shockingly affordable Cross-Cultural MTCs scattered around the world are dedicated to train and equip…