We believe that God is worthy of our absolute trust. We are totally dependent on him as the supplier of every need in our lives and ministries. (Core of WEC)
We give thanks to God for providing for WEC’s members and ministries through various means, including individuals and churches in the body of Christ.
Details for giving to WEC are below. Kindly send us the requested information so that we can say thanks and direct your gift appropriately!
Click/tap for Paynow details
Enter UEN 198200772W or scan the Paynow QR code

Confirm the organisation name is correct, e.g. WEC Int’l (S’pore) Ltd
Please state the purpose/recipient in the Bill Reference/Comments section
Please send us an email at sg.finance@wec-int.org with the following details:
- Giver’s name
- Date of transaction
- Purpose/recipient
- Amount
Bank Transfer
Click/tap for transfer details
WEC Intl S Ltd
DBS 014 019 169 0
Please state the purpose/recipient in the Bill Reference/Comments section
Please send us an email at sg.finance@wec-int.org with the following details:
- Giver’s name
- Date of transaction
- Purpose/recipient
- Amount
Click/tap for cheque details
WEC International (S) Ltd
Please mail your cheque to 5 Jalan Bangket, Singapore 588950
Please indicate the purpose or WEC member’s name on the back of the cheque
Please provide your return address or email us so that we can acknowledge receipt: sg.finance@wec-int.org