Who We Are?
WEC International takes the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love.
Listening to, serving and walking alongside local people, we form disciples, expecting to see churches flourish in cultures where Christ is little known. This involves us in many diverse activities, as fits local needs, including: youth work, teaching, medical work, music and the arts, Bible translation and literacy, work with addicts and children in crisis, business skills and helping local Christians share the gospel cross-culturally.
WEC is committed to finding new, creative and culturally-relevant ways of doing mission.
What we do?
WEC’s primary goal is to take the gospel to the least-evangelised peoples of the world, and to see churches planted and growing among them.
To achieve this, we work alongside local churches to:
♥ evangelise, make disciples and start churches
♥ translate scriptures and teach literacy
♥ train leaders, run clinics and hospitals
♥ rescue and rehabilitate addicts
♥ care for children in crisis, work with young people
♥ respond to people’s needs with compassion, wherever Christ sends us.
All this frontline service is supported in Singapore and overseas by people with many other skills: administrators; teachers for missionaries’ children; maintenance workers; writers and designers; IT and finance professionals; and people who nurture our relationships with Singapore churches.
Where we work?
With over 1,800 workers in about 90 countries, WEC is truly an international mission agency.
Mission is now from anywhere to everywhere. This creates possibilities for WEC to partner with people and organisations all over the world, crossing barriers of language and culture. Our focus of activity varies hugely, according to what we sense God wants to do in the local context.
Our Core Objectives
Mobilising for Missions – Inspiring, mobilising and equipping the whole church for cross-cultural ministry.
Reaching the Unreached – Sharing the Gospel with the remaining ‘too-hard’ peoples, with the utmost urgency and compassion.
Transforming Lives & Communities – Discipling precious lives and fostering the birth, planting, maturing of truly indigenous, multiplying churches.
More About WEC …

Our History
In 1913, Charles Thomas (CT) Studd, the England cricketer who had already served Christ in…

Our workers serve in multicultural teams, make team-based decisions and make no appeals for funds….