Dive Into 2025

WEC’s Dive Into short-term cross-cultural missions exposure programme is back, for those 18-35 years old, and want to join an international, multicultural team learning and serving together.

Contact us if you are interested to sign up or find out more: click here. (If you are not in Singapore, please contact your local or nearest WEC office.)

Do register early as spaces are limited!

We Partner

Partnering with Singapore churches and agencies in missions to reach the least reached peoples of the world, which is about one-third of the world, who still have no access to the stories of Jesus.

We Serve

We have ministry work in over 80 countries. WEC encourages people who are willing to share the Gospel and to put their skills to use in a cross-cultural setting to explore our varied opportunities available.

We Equip

We offer training for short term members and long term members. We also have Missionary Training Colleges (MTCs) around the world dedicated to train and equip students both theologically and practically to serve God in cross-cultural situations.

We’d Love To Hear From You

WEC’s aim is to work with God’s church and mission agencies in Singapore to see Christ known, loved and worshipped in communities established among least reached people.